Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's a Baby

I had posted a sketch of this portrait so I thought I might as well post the finished piece as well. It's painted digitally, in Photoshop, over the drawing I did. The client wanted it to be fairly straight forward so I didn't have a great deal of room to stylize the face, but the lighting and background were nice places to have fun with. It was a good opportunity for me if just because I don't really delve to much into the straightforward portrait. That, and painting infants/babies were a fun change from my normal adult age group.
I'll be gone for the next week in Peru so I figured I would post sketches of pieces that I will need to finish after I come back. They're for a follow up to the Vice sketch, Virtue, and a design for an Open House poster at the University of the Arts here in Philadelphia, respectively.

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